Pregnancy is a joyful and exciting period for all mothers to be. Pregnancy lasts for 40 weeks and is divided in three phases including three months. These are called, first, second and third trimester.
First Trimester of Pregnancy: In the first three months of pregnancy, the organs of the baby start to develop and completes its development, mother to be adjust to pregnancy. Nausea, nuisance, frequent urination and similar symptoms showing that expectant mother’s life is changing are seen in this period.
Here are 10 things to expect during your first trimester of pregnancy:
1 - A Baby Bump
2 - Dizziness
3 - Fatigue
4 - Gas
5 - Cramps
6 - Irritability
7- Frequent Urination
8 - Tender Breasts
9 - Morning Sickness
10 - Food Aversion